202 MARKETING | How to build your marketing in the right order to save money & get more customers. w/Bear Wade

Bear Wade, Award-Winning Filmmaker & Owner of Unify Creative Agency Owner, shares insights from his book Unify Your Marketing. Learn how to save time, money, and heartache through Bear's step-by-step marketing process to grow your brand and your impact.

Bear Wade

More than a decade ago, Brandon “Bear” Wade turned his self-financed film into an award-winning documentary for public television by emulating other industry leaders with his branding.

For years, he was approached by business owners to produce corporate videos and ads and quickly realized that putting the website at the end of the video did a company no good if their website didn’t perform and turn those viewers into paying customers.

So, now working on their website, he realized that for the most part their brand messaging was non-existent with no value proposition, to convince the viewer as to why they are the solution for them. Or their logo just didn’t feel professional enough.

By coming into his client’s situation, and having to start at square one, he realized that there is an order to building a successful brand, and the Unify Brand Steps were a product of that constant problem he saw time and time again.

He took what he learned and started developing national-caliber branding for clients around the country using the Unify Brand Steps. He runs Unify Creative Agency, a marketing studio based in St. Louis, Missouri.

Bear Wade is America’s Marketing MacGyver. (without the mullet)