175 STRATEGY | How save time and grow your business with more effective CRM. w/Lars Helgeson

Lars Helgeson, CEO of GreenRope and author of CRM for Dummies, shares a collaborative approach for efficiently managing customer relationships, processes, and records. Learn how to automate and integrate data company wide to gain critical insights that help you get, keep, and grow your most desirable customers.

Lars Hegelson

Lars Hegelson Headshot small.jpg

Lars Hegelson started in the Internet Marketing space in 2000, when he co-founded one of the world's first email service providers, CoolerEmail. As a pioneer in responsible email marketing, he grew CoolerEmail into a global software company specializing in marketing communication with over 1,500 clients. In 2010, after spending several years designing and implementing a more comprehensive way to meet the needs of small and mid-sized businesses, Lars launched GreenRope, a cloud-based platform that simplifies and consolidates a company's sales, marketing, and operations. GreenRope currently provides technology solutions to over 3,000 companies worldwide.

Lars’ favorite CRM-related mantra is, “If it isn’t in the CRM, it didn’t happen.” His goal is for you to adopt this far-reaching data-driven, inclusive approach to running your business, too.

He earned Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY and an MBA from the Robert Anderson School at the University of New Mexico.

After graduating, he served in the United States Air Force for 4 years, working in the Air Force's space test program, Air Force Research Laboratory, and Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.

A few things he enjoys: Travel, stand-up paddleboarding, mountain biking, and ice hockey, and he likes to practice yoga whenever the forces of the universe align and he can step away from developing or programming something new.