142 STRATEGY | $5 Million! How to apply the science of success to get more from your business, w/John Mitchell.

John Mitchell shares insights from the science of success that he used to overcome a 20-year history of earning low six figures a year, to earning over $5 million a year. John's 12 minute day technique is recognized as the top practical application in the world of the legendary book Think and Grow Rich. Learn how to apply these simple yet powerful lessons to get the income and lifestyle you want from your business.

About John Mitchell


John Mitchell’s 12 minute a day Think It Be It technique is recognized today as the “Top Practical Application in the World” of the book Think and Grow Rich. When he applied his method to his own life, he saw his income go to over $5 million a year. Previously, for 20 years as an entrepreneur, he earned in the low six figures a year. The 20x difference happen because his daily technique significantly increased his self-control and focus. Learn more at: