82 CULTURE | How companies are using Holacracy to create a culture of leadership and accountability. w/Karim Bishay.

Karim Bishay, an industry leading consultant in the areas of Holacracy and building adaptive organizations, shares the fundamentals of Holacracy and explains how companies are using this framework as a catalyst for cultural change. Learn how you can adapt the lessons from this powerful framework to create a more efficient and accountable workplace.

About Karim Bishay

Karim Bishay helps companies become insanely efficient. His purpose at Living Orgs is to empower organizations towards a clear, agile structure and stronger purpose. He is an industry leading consultant in the areas of Holacracy and building adaptive organizations.

Karim blends a variety of approaches such as Holacracy, GTD, OKR’s, and Emotional Intelligence to help companies and a system that works well for them. Over the past few years, Karim has helped over 20 companies restructure how they organize their teams. While most companies rely on the standard top-down style of management, Karim introduces new methods that create more clarity and accountability throughout the organization.