63 PRODUCTIVITY | How to make productivity and happiness an everyday habit. (Best of Season 1) w/Craig Ballantyne.

63 PRODUCTIVITY | How to make productivity and happiness an everyday habit. (Best of Season 1) w/Craig Ballantyne.

Craig Ballantyne, Productivity & Success Transformation Coach, shares the secrets behind his revolutionary productivity book: The Perfect Day Formula: How to Own the Day and Control Your Life. Learn how to use Craig’s proven productivity methods that have transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, to get better results in your business and your life.

62 LEADERSHIP | How to make social impact a meaningful part of your business. w/Jake Kloberdanz.

62 LEADERSHIP | How to make social impact a meaningful part of your business. w/Jake Kloberdanz.

Jake Koberdanz, CEO and Founder of ONEHOPE, shares insights on Cause-Centric Commerce, the driving philosophy that has helped his company donate more than $2M to date, helping to provide over 1.1 million meals, plant 56,000 trees, help 18,000 animals find forever homes, provide 46,000 life-changing vaccines, fund 3,300 clinical trials for women with breast cancer, and much more. Find out how you can apply these same principals in your business to make an impact on the things you care about most, and increase engagement and retention with your employees and customers.

61 LEADERSHIP | How conversational intelligence is transforming business growth. w/Judith E. Glaser.

61 LEADERSHIP | How conversational intelligence is transforming business growth. w/Judith E. Glaser.

Judith E. Glaser, an Organizational Anthropologist and best-selling author of seven business books, shares insights from her latest book Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results.  Judith presents her innovative framework for knowing which conversations activate higher-level intelligences such as trust, integrity, empathy, and good judgment. Learn how you can apply conversational intelligence to influence and motivate people throughout your organization and beyond.